the emergence of a religion was filmed at a convention in indiana [10/10/2020] almost a year later, a celebration of this faith was held in las vegas [7/22/2021] both, now, feel bittersweet. friends had been lost, ties had been severed. what was done was not supported. what was hoped for was not achieved. it no longer felt the "right moment" to make use of what was recorded. a candle flickered. all of it was to be hidden away forever. but we found it. we nurtured the flame. and we have brought it to you. for better or worse, the truth is in the message. things don't always go how we want. the only certainty is that they never stop going. drama, pain, failure / struggle - they are the winds that push our sails. without them, we would be dead in the water. by accepting where we started, we can get to where we're going. even if we don't all feel ready. so it is said about the first the chapter in the history of the Church of Wrestling
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