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Our Message

Our church began like any other, with a revelation...

With the onset of the global pandemic in the spring of 2020, wrestling was put on an indefinite hiatus. Many people were cut off from their work, millions unable to reach their passions. People on both sides of the curtain had to wait and see what would come next.

I, a wrestler/promoter/fan in Oakland, was one of those waiting. It had been six months of no live events for me, and I had to find a ring. I needed to be close to one and move around. I found one, and after jumping around for a bit I placed both of my palms on the mat. It was in this moment that I became the first member of the Church of Wrestling.

I could see the first time I got in a ring again like it was new. I could remember the first time I went to a show. I could feel all the stories and memories I'd had in or around every ring I'd ever been in. The joys of being in the audience and feeling connected to a whole arena of fans, reacting as one. The thrill of finding myself within the squared circle. I found peace knowing that every ring I've come across is different, but every one of them is home to me. Like a holy place, they all attuned to my spirit. I realized the ring is my church and wrestling is my religion.

I can see even some fans scoffing at the idea - but, hear me out. What we do is come together to feel a joy in our spirit. Through witnessing and performing and connecting around wrestling, we're able to reach emotion and understanding beyond our capabilities without that connection. Our collected belief in the shared myths we watch performed in the ring give them power, and that power rewards us spiritually. It's something I've experienced and witnessed countless times first hand.

That's why I've started on this journey, created this site and filed the necessary forms with the IRS - so that the Church of Wrestling will be recognized as a legitimate church. My mission is to bring this same joy and inspiration to all of you.

Too often we are ashamed to express our passions because we fear others may judge us. They find it uncouth to love so much. I implore you to embrace that joy. Let us not be ashamed to say that Wrestling is Our Religion.

Love and blessings,

DARK Sheik

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