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Join date: May 6, 2021


Wrestling saved my life and gave me so much. Now, I want to give back and help others find a haven in this world of slams, strikes and streches. A fan since I was a small child, Wrestling showed me I didn't have to be trapped in the percived confindes of my mind. That I could express myself in a million different ways. To be allowed to cheer for champions and embrace the chaotic nature of the world within 4 definded sides. I taught me how to speak for the heart and express emotions often locked away deep down inside. That a mask isn't somethign we hide behind but that allows us to project what we truely want to be seen as. I taught me that cuts and brusies are simply a part of life and that no matter how hurt we are we can always rally and stand back up, prepared to go that little bit fuirther, push it that inch more. It also showed me that even the strongest looking amoungst us suffer as well. No one is free from the demons that claw at our minds and bodies. But that this is nothing to be ashamed of and simply one of the factors that help shape us into the people we become. So now, I cheer, I shout, I fight. Not alone, but part of a bigger entity. All thanks to Pro Wrestling.

Alistair Stewart

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